Business Solutions That Win Federal Contracts

Delivering Business Development, Capture, and Proposal Support When Federal Contractors Need It -- Right Now.
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Business Solutions That Win Federal Contracts

We Bring the Right Solutions, Right Now.

We partner with companies to deliver the right type of business development, capture, and proposal support at the right time – from advanced market positioning to opportunity-focused proposal writing support

Fully Engaged Consultants to Drive/Develop Key Bids

Experts with skills to own, lead, or
support any phase of the BD value chain, maximizing return on resources based on priorities

High-Impact Business Development Services

Lifecycle business development support that increases your firm’s win probability in the hyper-competitive Federal market

Immersive, Client-Driven Consultative Approach

Complete integration with your team drives development of differentiated value propositions, solutions, and proposals that win

What Clients Say About Us

“So much of what we all learned from you was a significant factor in winning this deal. I always [say] there are ‘experts’ and then there are legitimate experts, and I always use you as an example of a legitimate expert.” 

What Clients Say About Us

“You all are the most professional, competent, and productive people I have ever worked with. Our proposals are on another level when we work with you.”

What Clients Say About Us

“Thank you for your leadership and the opportunity to be part of the team. This was one of the best organized and administered proposal efforts I’ve taken part in. Well done.”

What Clients Say About Us

“You were as invested as we were in the success of the bid. We never thought of you as ‘they’. We thought of you as one of us.”